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Service Management: Toward The Post-Digital X Post-Covid Future


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About This Course


Service economy is expanding more than ever, not just with the growth of the services industries (conventionally defined as the third sector) but also with services’ increasing importance in non-services industries such as agriculture (the first sector) and manufacturing (the second sector). Today, driven by emergence of digital technologies and amplified by hyper-connectivity of global markets, anything and everything seems to become something as a service e.g., Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), and now Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS). Are things going too far? What does it mean for our everyday marketing, operations, HRM, and strategy? Should we now be strategizing, organizing, and leading businesses, differently, and, if so, how?

By introducing you to Service Management, an emerging field of management science which was originally developed out of the research on the services industries but has later evolved into the study on the logic (or lens, if you will) of value creation and value capture across industries, this course attempts to help future business leaders to see ongoing fundamental shift in management logic and to seize opportunities and challenges involved in leading business in such an exciting time.


In this course, we will first look at global-scale, multi-decade changes with three key words, namely:

SHIFT | Towards Service Economy

MELT | Disappearing Industry Boundaries

TILT | Economic Center of Gravity Moving from the North to the South

We then take a brief look at a variety of "lenses" you can wear when exploring “value creation and value capture” opportunities in the rapidly changing business environment:

LENS 1 | Goods-Dominant Logic (GDL) | The traditional lens, through which we look at "goods" and "services" as two separate domains of business, and assume that company creates value and customers just consumes the value company creates.

LENS 2 | Service-Dominant Logic (SDL) | A new pair of lenses, with which we do not distinguish “goods” and “services” but rather regard all economic activities as “service" and consider both company and its customers “co-create" of value together with companies.

LENS 3 | Multi-Sided Platform (MSP) | Defined as “technologies, products, or services that create value primarily by enabling direct interactions between two or more customer or participant groups”, by wearing MSP lens, we can extend the notion of "value co-creation" to multiple sides of market and open up many possibilities for both value creation and value capture (monetization) in unprecedented ways.